Impact VBC is holding a Summer Middle School Volleyball Camp for entering 9th Graders and Younger. The camp is designed to give the players Individual Skill techniques to maximize performance. However, the training doesn’t stop there. We will continue to train thru competition drills and competitive scrimmages.
We have also secured so of the top coaches in the country. We are bringing in Head Coach Dave Shondell of Purdue University as well as a few other College coaches. Impact VBC Club Director Jay Golsteyn will be Heading up the staff with other Impact VBC staff.
College Coaches
Dave Shondell - Purdue University
Dan Fisher - Pittsburgh University
When: July 13th & 14th
Time: 9:00-4:00 (Lunch from 12:00-1:00)
Where: Concordia Theological Seminary
Cost: $100
Register: on-line at impactvbcfw.com